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Kids BJJ

Learning Has No Bounds


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu really is a safe, natural and extremely effective way to take charge and positively impact every aspect of your child’s life. It doesn’t take medicine, therapy, harsh actions, or cajoling your kids to change their behavior. Instead, it is teaching your kids self-discipline, hard work, confidence, and respect. This done in a way that empowers them while also teaching them humility, and promoting health and fitness… all at the same time.


Sounds amazing doesn’t it?

That’s the power of martial arts classes.


Our children's classes are broken into the following age groups:

Ages 4-7

Ages 8-12

Years Old

This program will introduce BJJ to young kids, improving their agility and coordination, teaching them basic techniques along with self confidence, respect and discipline.


Our class starts with a warm up followed by technique / drills and a fun game in the end of class. 

5-7 Years Old
Years Old

At this age kids feel more confident knowing that they can protect themselves from other kids if they need to. Our program focus on confidence, anti bullying,  and will build their cardio and strength.


We will go through fundamental techniques, introduce some advanced concepts preparing them to participate in tournaments if they are interested in competitions.

8-12 Years Old

©2019 by Paulo Santana BJJ

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